The dative case, also known as dative object or indirect object, is the person or thing to whom the action of verb is directed. We use the dative case after certain verbs and prepositions. In English grammar, the indirect object is often indicated by the prepositions to and for or pronouns like me, him, us, them etc.


Possessive Dative Objects with Verbal Arguments Clause-Internally Initially, this problem was brought to my attention while lecturing my first-year BCS students on impersonal constructions. Having introduced the construction svideti se ‘to please’, e.g., Bratu se sviđa fudbal ‘My brother likes football’,

When a possessive comes before an indirect object (dative) that is faminine noun, ending "-er" will be added to the pronoun. The endings of possessive articles are like those of the indefinite article ein and the negative article kein.. The endings depend on the noun that comes after the possessive article, i.e. the gender and number of that noun and the case it is in. . In the following table you … I need help with possessive pronouns in the dative and accusative case, especially using “your” (plural, informal) in front of masculine, feminine, neuter, and plural nouns. Bill Ellis .

Possessiv dativ

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Putting these together with the noun’s gender will help you devise the correct form. End of the free exercise to learn German: Possessive adjectives: accusative / dative A free German exercise to learn German. Other German exercises on the same topic : General | All our lessons and exercises Possessive ‘Adjectives’, the Smarter Way. If you want to speak German well, you need to work with formulas or patterns.. There is too much to try to memorize every isolated word (imagine that chart from above, but x10 … that’s ~160 separate words, including 6 ways to say ‘my’ another 6 for ‘your’, and each of the other possessive adjectives (determiners). You already know possessive articles in nominative and accusative case?

The possessive genitive in German is essentially equal to etwas+von+jemand (the something of someone).

Possessiva pronomen . dativ dim diminutiv f femininum f fullbordad aspekt. G genitiv. I instrumentalis används för att uttrycka ägaren (possessiv genitiv):.

In the dative case possessive adjectives have an 'em' ending for the masculine and neuter, an 'e' ending for Meinem, deinem, ihrem, unserem, etc.: German possessive pronouns in the dative case Posted by Sandra Rösner on Jan 21, 2013 in Grammar, Language In two of my previous post, I have already written about possessive pronouns in the nominative case and possessive pronouns in the genitive case. Table of Dependent Possessive Pronouns. Dependent possessive pronouns come before nouns, which is why they are also called possessive articles.The chart below provides an overview of the singular and plural forms of dependent possessove pronouns in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases.

Possessiv dativ

Start studying Stunde 7 a) Possessiv dativ. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Possessiv dativ

dativ dim diminutiv f femininum f fullbordad aspekt.

Lägg märke till att dativformerna är likadana som ackusativformerna, utom för honom/henne/er och dem/er (3:e person singular och plural). -dative -possessive for personal pronoun -singular interrogative -direct object, indirect object, etc (före detta ackusativ och dativ.
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Dative/der Dativ. The dative case is used to mark the indirect object of a sentence. In the dative case possessive pronouns have an 'em' ending for the masculine and neuter, an 'er' ending for the

e. c.